Saturday, December 29, 2018

Hymns for the first mass in 2019

Dear girls, how are you all doing?
We'd be back in school soon and I can't wait to see you again!
We'd be having mass very soon and it'd be good for you to do some practice. 

Hymns that we'd be singing for the Opening of the Year Mass:

Away in a Manger

Our Blessing Cup

O Holy Night

Christ be our Light

We offer this bread to you, O Lord

Finally, the following song isn't one of the mass songs, but it moves me so much that I have to share it:
O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Have a merry Christmas season and a happy new year!

Ms Lin

A Blessing for Singapore

Dear girls, by now some of you may know that I've started this term in another school! You are all very dear to my heart, and I pray tha...